Dr. Lisa Tung
Vice-President, Malaysia
Dr. Lisa Tung is the Programme Director for the Events and Tourism Management undergraduate programmes at the School of Hospitality, Tourism and Events (SHTE), Taylor’s University, Malaysia. She joined the education industry in 2003 and taught hospitality and marketing related modules before moving on to event management modules in 2006. She has guided students in numerous events ranging from annual dinners, music previews and festivals, charity events, exhibitions and many more. She was also involved in the registration, sponsorship and logistics committees for international conferences, company annual dinners, programme launching, and other University events.
In addition, she has been involved in curriculum design for events and tourism management programmes. Throughout her appointment as the Programme Director, she manages the administration and documentation for programme accreditations, student study plans and overall development of the events and tourism management programmes.
Prior to joining the education industry, she was working in the hotel industry in the UK. She is also involved in research in the areas of destination loyalty, motivation, satisfaction, tourist interactions, tourist emotions and events management.