Professor David Hind
Professor David Hind is President of the Asia Pacific Institute for Events Management; President of the APIEM Academy; Chairman of the Sri Lanka Institute for Events Management Board of Study; Adjunct Professor, Faculty of Business and Management and Faculty of Hotel and Tourism Management, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia; Managing Editor of the Asia Pacific International Events Management Journal; Chief Executive of the United Kingdom Event Industry Academy Ltd ; Distinguished Professor at Chung Hua University, Taiwan; Visiting Professor at Bali, Institute of Tourism, Indonesia; Batam Tourism Polytechnic, Indonesia; Bandung Institute of Tourism, Indonesia; and Palembang Polytechnic of Tourism, Indonesia.

Dr. Anang Sutono, CHE
Executive Vice-President
Dr. Anang Sutono, CHE, was the former Senior Advisor to the Minister for Economy and Destination Development at the Ministry of Tourism of Republic Indonesia. He used to be the Rector/Director of STP NHI Bandung Institute of Tourism, West Java, Indonesia, at the Ministry of Tourism of RI and he led that institute from 2104 to 2018. He began his career as a lecturer/faculty member of STP NHI Bandung Institute of Tourism in 1992. He was appointed by the Minister of Tourism to be a Steering Committee of the Visit Wonderful Indonesia (VIWI 2018) programme and in 2019 he was also assigned as Chairman for Accelerated Development of Halal Tourism Indonesia.

Dr. Karen Miranda-Fernandez
Vice President, Education and Accreditation
Dr. Karen Miranda-Fernandez is an educator, author, practitioner, and international speaker in the field of events, tourism, and hospitality. She is the Vice President for Education and Accreditation of Asia Pacific Institute for Events Management (APIEM) and President of APIEM Events Management Services. She is also the Vice President for Research and International Affairs and Dean of the College of Hospitality and Tourism Management of Imus Institute of Science and Technology, Philippines.

Vice President, Indonesia
Sirajuddin is a lecturer at Lombok Tourism Polytechnic under the Republic of Indonesia`s
Ministry of Tourism from 2021 to the present . He has experience as a lecturer from 1999 –
2012 in the Tourism Study Program, University of Jember East Java and also as a lecturer
from 1999 – 2018 and as a Director at The Academy of Tourism Muhammadiyah Jember
from 2000 – 2008.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Norol Hamiza Zamzuri
Vice President, Research and Innovation
Norol Hamiza Zamzuri is an Associate Professor from the Faculty of Business and Management, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Malaysia. She holds a Ph.D in Management from Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia and is actively involved in research related to event management, policy development, social innovation and sustainability. She was a member of the UiTM academic committee for the establishment of Malaysia`s first bachelor’s degree in Event Management in 2006. She is an APIEM Professional Member and has wide experience in conducting research.

Dr. Gelareh Holden
Vice President, Australia & Oceania
Dr. Gelareh Holden, Lecturer, Kaplan, Adelaide, Australia. She worked as an international senior lecture in the School of Tourism, Hospitality, and Event Management (STHEM), Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) from December 2014 till November 2021. Moreover, she was the head of Event Management Research Unit (EMRU) at STHEM, UUM. she has continuously published in high-quality peer-reviewed/indexed journals in the field of tourism and events and conducted research as the leading researcher or member of academic and industry research grants. Her research focusses on various aspects of tourism and events studies. She considers herself as an education professional skilled in research, teaching MBA subjects, Curriculum Design, E-Learning, and professional mentoring.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Maria Arlene T. Disimulacion
Vice President, APIEM Academy Academic Affairs
Maria Arlene T. Disimulacion (Bam) is an academician, consultant, entrepreneur, and author. She has over 30 years of solid experience in marketing and communications, training, strategic management, and events management in the Philippines and abroad. She has managed international MICE and special events for which she received several
awards for innovative concepts and strategic execution. Currently, she is the Consultant for Academic Affairs and Marketing at the Asia Pacific Institute for Events Management.

Prof. Dr. Raziff Jamaluddin
Vice President, Partnership Development
Dr. Raziff Jamaluddin has been in the academic line for almost 15 years. He considered himself a proud alumnus of UiTM, where he completed his tertiary education from a Diploma to a Ph.D. from this institution.
Dr. Raziff is the former President of the Tourism Educators Association of Malaysia (TEAM) and the Editor-in-Chief of TEAM Journal for Hospitality and Tourism. He is an active International Resource Speaker for tourism events and destination topics with regular sharing in the webinar organized by the School of Hospitality and Tourism and Non-Government Association in Asian countries.

Dr. Lisa Tung
Vice President, Malaysia
Dr. Lisa Tung is the Programme Director for the Events and Tourism Management undergraduate programmes at the School of Hospitality, Tourism and Events (SHTE), Taylor’s University, Malaysia. She joined the education industry in 2003 and taught hospitality and marketing related modules before moving on to event management modules in 2006.

Serena Chou
Vice President, Taiwan
Lecturer at Chung Hua University, College of Tourism, Taiwan, Consultant of IST Semiconductor company, Secretary General of CPMAH association and the founder of CSPO music promotion organization