APIEM awards the Certified Event Organiser qualification to BS Event Management Graduates from the Universiti Utara Malaysia
The prestigious APIEM Certified Event Organiser award was presented to 79 BS Events Management graduates from the Universiti Utara Malaysia at a virtual ceremony. These graduates are the 1st in Malaysia to receive the APIEM...
APIEM`s 1st Postgraduate International Centre of Excellence
Congratulations to the International Tourism & Hospitality Management Graduate School of the Lyceum of the Philippines University, Batangas on becoming APIEM`s 1st Postgraduate International Centre of Excellence for its Master`s and Doctoral degrees in International...

APIEM`s 1st Sport Event International Centre of Excellence
It is a pleasure to welcome the Faculty of Sport Science and Recreation, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia to APIEM as our 1st provider of sports event courses - accredited as our latest APIEM International Centre of Excellence ****. Many congratulations to UiTM on...

APIEM`s 1st Certified Event Manager with Distinction
Many congratulations to Mr. Damitha Nalin Eshwara Arachchi who has become the 1st APIEM Academy scholar to be awarded a distinction grade for completing our APIEM Certified Event Manager qualification - a wonderful achievement. Distinction grades are awarded to...

APIEM`s 1st Certified Event Planner with DISTINCTION
Many congratulations to Mr Amila Indika from Columbo, Sri Lanka on becoming the 1st APIEM Academy scholar to achieve a Distinction grade (90% - 100%) in his APIEM Certified Event Planner qualification. Not only is Mr Amila our 1st scholar to be awarded such a high...